Latitude: 45° 10' N
Longitude: 029° 40' E
Time Zone: GMT +2
Max. Draft: 7.32 m
Location: Sulina is situated at the mouth of the Danube, 148km E of Constanta.
General overview: Depths in the canal range from 10m to 14m, permanent dredging allows vessels of max draft 7.32m to berth. Ice may form during Feb and Mar, but the port is kept open by icebreakers. Fog may be encountered during Dec and Jan. Draft restriction on the canal is give by Sulina bar draft, area where continuous dredging is performed. For checking of the Sulina max. allowable draft at a certain time please contact us.
Load Line zone: Summer Zone for ships over 100m in length and Winter Seasonal Area for ships of 100m or less in length, Winter Dec 1 to Feb 28/29, Summer Mar 1 to Nov 30.
Max size: Largest vessel handled: Approx 25,000dwt, 200m LOA, 7.93m draft.
Sulina Port limits: The seaward limits of Rada Sulina, extend 2nm between N and ESE from the seaward end (Lat 45°08'N, Long 029°48'E) of the protected canal. Upstream the port area extends to 3nm.
Sea buoys, fairways and canals: The port area is approached by a canal, 4nm in length, which has a bar at its seaward end. The canal is protected by N and S breakwaters.
Directions: Initial position: In the vicinity of the No 1 light buoy (safe water) (Lat 45°08.1'N, Long 029°47.7'E).
Leading marks: The alignment (301°) of light beacons standing on the elbow of the N breakwater: Front light (yellow daymark, black stripe) (Lat 45°09.9'N, Long 029°43.4'E).
Rear light (yellow daymark, black stripe) (220m NW of front light) leads along the centerline of the canal passing between a pair of light buoys marking the entrance to the canal and passage across the bar and thence between the breakwater heads which are marked by lights (white framework tower, 9m in height).
Pilot: Compulsory. Pilot boards in the roadstead, usually during daylight hours only.
Anchorages: Anchorages can be obtained in depths of 10.0m with mud and sand bottom.
Tidal range and flow: Nil.
Dock density: 1020. on entrance and 1000 on canal and Danube
Weather: Prevailing winds: N-NE'ly.
Principal navigation aids: Sulina light (white round stone tower, red cupola, 48m in height) (Lat 45°09'N, Long 029°46'E).
Charts: BA 2213, 2232, 2282. Admiralty Pilot NP24.
Restrictions: Sulina Canal is closed for navigation during the night.
Tugs: There are 3 tugboats of 640, 800 and 2,400hp available.
Anchorages: for river and sea vessels inside the basin, covering a 15ha water surface, with 6.0-9.0m depth.
Repairs: Available. Hull and engine repairs at shipyard on left bank of river, synchrolift of 1,200t capacity.
Bunkers/water/stores: Fresh water: Available.
Bunkering: Fuel and diesel oil are available by road tanker.
Medical facilities: Medical facilities are available in Sulina and Tulcea.
Transport: Nearest airport: Tulcea Airport, 70km.
Airport facilities: Direct connections to Bucharest and Constanta, two flights daily during summer, one flight at all other times.
Nearest railway: Tulcea, 70km.
Crew change: Available.
Consuls: Not available
Banks: Available
Public holidays: New Year's Day, Jan 2, Easter Monday, Dec 1, 25 and 26.
Working hours: Mon-Fri 0800-1600hrs. Overtime may be arranged at weekends.