Geographical position: lat: 45°10'N long: 028°49'E
The Tulcea Harbour complex is situated on the right bank of the Danube, between km 73,5 and km 70,0 along the sea-wall town and comprise the Industrial Port and Commercial Port. The Commercial Port of Tulcea is destined also for passengers traffic and serves entirely the Danube Delta Zone.

Industrial Port
The Industrial Port in Tulcea is located at km 73,5 on the Danube being built starting with 1974 in order to provide the necessary raw materials for the metallurgical plants in Tulcea. Main activities of Industrial Port are:
- Unloading the imported raw materials as manganese, limestone, quartzite, bauxite, chrome, iron and coke from sea going vessels
- Unloading the quarry ballast products from barges
- Loading the exported raw materials as ferroalloys, scrap iron and alumina
Maritime Berths
- 2 maritime quays for receiving and expedition of ferroalloy and concrete gantry transports
- An operating length of 230 m
- Endowed with portal cranes ( KANGUR type - 16 tf x 32 m ) equipped with grippers
- Cranes opening : 15.30 m
- Storage capacity : platform - 8.000 sqm
River Berths
- 1 river quay for receiving ferroalloys and concrete gantry transports
- An operating length of 100 m
- Endowed with portal cranes ( KANGUR type - 16 tf x 32 m ) equipped with grippers
- Cranes opening : 15.30 m
- Storage capacity : platform - 3.000 sqm
Commercial Port The Commercial Port in Tulcea comprises two sectors:
- Down the Oceanic Fishing Port - berths specialized for general goods and passengers traffic
- At km 70,0 - berths specialized for ballast products

River berths
- 3 river quays for receiving and expedition general goods with a length
of 300 m,
fitted with portal cranes ( BOCSA and WB type - 16 tf x 32 m/
Cranes opening : 10.875 m)
and having a storage capacity : platform -
12.000 sqm
- 4 river quays destined for passengers traffic with an length of 400m
- 1 river quay for receiving and expedition ballast products with an length of
120 m,
fitted with portal cranes ( BOCSA and WB type - 16 tf x 32 m /Cranes
opening : 10.875 m)
equipped with grippers and having a storage capacity :
platform - 2.600 sqm